City of Collegedale

Accessory Buildings & Sheds

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In Collegedale, small storage buildings are allowed but shall not be larger than 12 feet by 12 feet and with a maximum height to the low point of the eaves of 6 feet, and may be located in the side and rear yards provided that: 

  • A. The buildings shall be set back at least 5 feet from the side and rear lot lines
  • B. In the case of a corner lot, the accessory building must conform to existing setback regulations

Please note that a building permit is not required for projects valued under $1,500; however, it is still the owners responsibility to make sure that a shed or accessory building complies with the above requirement where setbacks and size are concerned.  It should also be noted that larger detached buildings (garage, gazebo, larger shed, etc.) may be built provided that a Collegedale building permit is obtained and the structure is not placed on top of septic or sewer lines. In addition, zoning setbacks must be complied with for front, rear, and sides of structure.  These will vary depending on the designated zoning for a parcel of property.   It is essential to review homeowner association (HOA) requirements and deed restrictions before installing any type of detached structure in addition to complying with City of Collegedale regulations.